Social Innovation is a force for social change. Social entrepreneurs develop and adopt effective solutions in addressing social needs in various ways, including product, platform, process and policy innovation.

Aquila Brothers

Training and life coaching to help youngsters set up online businesses 


Year Established: 2016

Beneficiaries: Grassroots youngsters
Doing business hand-in-hand


  • Grassroots youngster from a low-income family who have done poorly in schools often face obstacles in developing a career, essentially rejecting them from upward mobility


  • Utilising the “Lean Startup” method to help youngsters find their effective and successful products without a cost
  • Holistic entrepreneurial and technical support to teach youngsters the newest skills in retail and design, and the how-tos in starting up a new online business


18 youngsters to receive training in starting up a new online business

4 instructors to be recruited to share their insights and experience, and to provide consultation

Confidence to be strengthened, collaboration to be learnt and interpersonal skills to be improved by experiencing entrepreneurship
Youngsters to be guided into the labour-forces by making them understand entrepreneurship, by encouraging them to start new businesses, and by debunking old concepts


The Aquila Brothers gain revenues from receiving a cut from the profits of the participants’ new online businesses


A series of workshops on starting a new online business  

Including necessary skills such as market analysis, business strategies, accounting, sales and promotion

A variety of courses to be offered regularly for schools and organisations

Promoting all-round development for parents, students and others, whereas by 2015, 150 organisations and 50,000 individuals had been served